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HomeIndustry Partners

NOSN and its Corporate Partners

Industry participation in NOSN

  • Funding
  • Intelligence
  • Collaborating in our efforts to best help cancer patients across the country
  • Helping establish a unified message across state lines
  • Participation in monthly teleconferences, teams and annual meeting according to partnership level
  • Industry is excluded from any executive sessions of the Board
  • However, our corporate partners are encouraged to share information and make suggestions prior to votes being taken during regular meetings

NOSN facilitates states partnering to provide an effective response to oncology threats

  • State-by-state intelligence to discover and share future threats by local, state or federal governments, Medicare/Medicaid regional contractors or private insurance companies
  • Prioritize and determine level and geographic range of threat amongst ourselves
  • Develop a coordinated response
  • Develop a singular effective message
  • Pool our individual human resources and assets toward a common goal
  • Reach out to our other health care partners, e.g. Pharma and patient advocacy groups, as a single unified group

Thank You to Our Industry Partners
